Research on contemporary Kaunas city

Type: Research
Team: Office De Architectura + MASH Studio
Year: 2019
Client: Kaunas City Museum

How do you talk about and present a contemporary city? How it could be exhibited? These were the main questions we aimed to answer with our research on the Kaunas city for the Kaunas City Museum. While starting our work we quickly understood that it is very easy for a few people to come and decide behind closed doors on what Kaunas city is, but it would be an extremely biased opinion. Instead, as a core part of our research, we decided to organise an open and free event – 12 Hour Interview Marathon. During this extremely compact event, we talked about the contemporary city with 30 people from the most diverse fields. All information we collected during the interviews was analysed and laid foundations for the suggestions on how contemporary Kaunas city could be presented and what are its main character-defining elements.